Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Future Begins Here

Colegio San Agustin-Biñan, my dearest Alma mater. I really love this school. I have started new journeys and adventures here. I have met many friends, not only student friends but teachers as well. I thank all my teachers and those who helped me get this far. A successful second year high school student here in Colegio San Agustin-Biñan.

Grade school, this is where my journey here started. I was a transferee when I was in 1st grade. Yeah, I was knew to this place. As a transferee, I get to go to tours and special seminars and the like. Also, I don't know much about what is happening around the school and my classmates were very friendly and helped me adapt to their environment. When I knew about the different awards that will be given to students at the end of every school year, I did my best to listen attentively in class to get those awards. At the end of the school year, my parents were so proud of me because even though I was a transferee, I got an award.

I can say that my grade school years were successful throughout those 6 years of studying, I have learned, discovered and achieved a lot. As I leave grade school and enter a new department, I will never forget the teachers who helped me understand the things I need to learn about.

High school Department, another journey and a brand new adventure for me. Since I am currently at the second year of four years of high school, I have not much say. Yet, I do have many new experiences that I would like to share. Some say that high school life is hard. Yes, it is true because as a high school student, you are learning to be independent. But it is fun to be in high school. When hardships come, friends come too. They are always there to help you throughout your high school life.

Blessed Veronica of Binasco, my first year section. I'm really happy that I was part of this section because last school year this section was the so-called star section. It is really hard being in this section with all the pressure and high expectations of teachers from us. Despite those stuff, we still enjoy the company of one another and became a happy family. Our adviser last year was very memorable. Yes, she maybe strict to us and punish us for the way we act and behave, we still had good times together. When the school year was about to end, she just let us have fun and enjoy our last days together because according to her, some of us might not be classmates again next year. The school year ended up with me still receiving awards. I was happy that moment yet, I was also sad because I was scared that my closest friends won't be my classmates next year.

A brand new school year starts as I enter a brand new stage. 2nd year high school, here comes more pressure! Currently belonging to Blessed Clement of Osimo. Familiar faces once again. Most were my classmates last year. Even if the school year has just started, I feel like it's already the middle of the school year because the transferees last year who are my classmates now are my friends and we became close easily. I am their current Information and Publications Commissioner. I must do my job well just like what I told them. So far, my classmates have been very supportive and helpful even though, as I said, the school year has just begun. We already have happy times together and I know there is more to come.

High school is a whole lot different from grade school. The clubs were new to us since we were just starting out in this department. I did not know what to choose so I decided to choose the club that my sister joined when she was in first year, the Biochemysics Society. Sadly, during the first club meeting, that specific club was flooding with members and I had no choice but to stick with my 2nd choice club, YES Club (Youth Earth Savers). They said that it was similar to the Biochemysics Society and it was. Those 2 clubs do activities together since they're both related to science. Even though it was my first time to be in this club, I was still elected as an officer, the level representative of the first year level. I really love this club and really had fun with the activities they implemented. Now, I am their Vice President and I must do my job well. I must learn how to balance my co-curricular activities and academics.

I am really happy that my parents found this school and enrolled me here. This school really does offer quality education. I am enjoying every day that I spend here in school. I have had so many exciting adventures here in school and also met a lot friends that are now close to my heart. I thank God for making my parents discover this school and also for guiding me throughout this adventure.

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