Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Momentous Life at CSA...:)

COLEGIO SAN AGUSTIN BINAN, LAGUNA, this is the school where I first enrolled. I was three and a half years old then, I am a junior kinder and I still remember that my adviser was Ms. Jackie Fruto. On my first days, I was still nervous because of course I dont know anybody that sorrounds me and I was still adjusting in my new environment.

During my preschool days, I was still adjusting in my new world. Eventually, little by little I started to meet new friends and get along with them. I can say that my preschool life was an unforgettable moment in my life because here, I had new friends and I met my second parents which are my teachers.

Goodbye preschool life and welcome to my gradeschool life. I was still then, a proud Augustinian.Grade school life was fun and exciting because my relationship with my friends became deeper. We started to bond and share secrets with one another. As time goes by, I didnt notice that I was already in grade 6 and a future high school student.

In my grade 6 life, I became an active member of "Dulaang Kruhay". I really enjoyed being a member of this theater group because I again, met new friends and also I met my new ate's and kuya's in the high school department. They were really kind and helpful.

During my graduation in grade school, I received a blue eagle certificate and a medal for the "Dulaang Kruhay award". Even though I am happy because it is our graduation, I am quite sad because many of my close friends will transfer to a new school. Thus, I was still happy because I ended up grade school succesfully and welcomed warmly my second journey in high school.

Now, welcome high school life! I started my pressured and difficult life in high school
belonging to the section, "Blessed Veronica of Binasco". Woah! I can say that the competition here was so stiff but still, we built a very strong relationship with each other. We always spend time with jokes, laughter and sometimes tears. We helped each other whenever one of us doesn't understand the lesson. We really treated each other brothers and sisters and we are thankful that we had an adviser who is like a mother to us and that is Ms. Divina Castillo. Even though sometimes we had misunderstandings, it were easily solved.

I was still a member of Dulaang Kruhay. Last February, we had a play entitled "Ambon Ng Krystal" in which I am one of the casts. My role is Tricia. That was my first time to act between many people. Luckily, our play was succesful.

At present, I am still here in CSA. I've been here for almost eleven years. I am currently belonging in "Blessed Clement of Osimo". Our adviser is Ms. Cecilia Bayotas. I am also the treasurer of the class. I am sad because some of my classmates last year were transeferred to another section but at the same time happy because the ones who replaced my classmates last year were kind and helpful.

I am still an active member of "Dulaang Kruhay". I am also the assistant dance captain of the said group.

I am really enjoying my stay here at CSA. Thank God my parents enrolled me in this school and now, I will just continue studying here with my friends and loving teachers.

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