Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Enjoying Life Through Hobbies..

Each and everyone of us has a hobby. It helps us to feel relax and its also lessens our stress. It can also make our idle time busy and most importantly, it minimizes our problems.

One of my hobbies is playing with the computer. I am a avid fan of friendster, multiply and facebook. I surf the net and chat with my relatives and friends. I also communicate with my relatives who are out of the country and update them on what is currently happening here in the Philippines. Whenever I am bored, I play online games in the computer. I also draw weird things with the use of paint and I also listen to music.

Another hobby of mine is obviously eating. I really love and enjoy eating especially my favorite food, which is carbonara. Sometimes I am choosy beacuase I dont really want to eat nutritious food. I love to eat chips and chocolates which I know is bad for my health. Before, my mom is scolding
me whenever she saw me eating this kind of food. I prefer eating nutritious food now because I am already a teenager and as teenager, we are conscious in our figure.

My third favorite hobby is sleeping. I tell you, sleeping really makes me feel relax especially when I am tired from school. If possible, when I have nothing to do, I go to my room and sleep. Sometimes, I prefer sleeping rather than eating. Most importantly, I see to it that I sleep atleast eight hours at night but sometimes, I cannot make it because of so many homeworks and projects in school.

My last favorite hobby is going to the mall. I hate to admit it, but I really love to shop. I always ask my mom to buy me this and that although sometimes it is not quite important. Malling really makes me happy and feel relax. It also helps me to forget my busy and tiring week.

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