Monday, July 13, 2009

They are My Life

I love my family. I spend most of my time with them. Even though, when I wake up in the morning everyday, it's always them I see, I never get tired of that. I am used to seeing them first thing in the morning. They support, love, and care for me through thick and thin. They always forgive me every time I have sinned against them. I am very lucky to have a family. At least, when there is no one and no where to run to, your family is always there. Also, I am lucky for being given a family like them. We are not always but most of the time happy. My mother loves to joke around and thus making our family moments full of laughter. I thank God for always keeping me and my family safe also for being blessed with such a family. I can never live without them.

My father, Daniel Digo Cruzada, is a very hardworking man and an ever-caring father. He is a civil engineer working at MDC ( Makati Development Corporation). He is a good father to us three. He may be strict at times but we have fun spending time with him. He seldom spends time with us because he is busy with work. We understand because we know that he is doing it for us. When it is his free time, we make the most out of it because he is busy and also this is when he makes it up to us when he is not present during special occasions.

My mother, former Vilma Serra y Ortega, now, Vilma Ortega Cruzada, is a very responsible and ever-loving mother. I idolize her because she can balance her work with her family. She is an accountant working at LOMAR (Logistics Marketing Inc.)Whenever she comes home after work, she helps my youngest sister with her homework. She really is willing to sacrifice for the family.

My eldest sister, Camille Joyce, is a very supportive sister. She is the one who I run to whenever I have problems not unless of course, we have an argument. She always supports me with whatever decision I make regarding any matter. She just graduated from high school last year with flying colors. She is currently a Freshman at UPM ( University of the Philippines, Manila). Since she is just starting out, she is still living with us.

My youngest sister, Carla Jeannine, is very funny. She makes me laugh whenever I am feeling down. She turns my frowns to smiles. We often have misunderstandings. I just try to understand her because she is still young and has a lot more to learn. She is currently a grade 3 student studying in my school too. Now that my eldest sister is not at our school anymore, she is now my responsibility. I will take care of her since my parents are also not with us at school.

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