Friday, July 17, 2009

I Love to have Fun

Our lives can never be exciting without hobbies. Our hobbies entertain us especially when we are bored. Whatever our hobbies may be, even if they are weird hobbies, they still make our lives fun and colorful. Here are some of my hobbies that I would like to share.

I love to sing. I love to create my own songs and sing it. But so far, I have only made one song of my own. The others are for school work like create a song about this and that. I sing to express what I feel. I sing especially when I am heartbroken?!!. I listen to songs and I sing them. Music soothes the soul. I sing by myself and with my friends. The more the merrier right? According to some, I have a good voice. Well, maybe, I don't know. I am so afraid to sing in front of many people. In front of my friends, I am not that afraid because I feel comfortable around them. Every time my family asks me to sing in front of a crowd, I decline. I guess I am shy or maybe I have stage fright even though I am not on a stage. Well, I hope someday, I can overcome my fear and hopefully have the confidence to sing.

I also love to write. I love to write poems, essays and write what I feel. Writing is another way for me to express myself. When I am bored at school, I write stuff on a piece of paper. As my teacher said, the brain develops the work of the hand and the work of the hand develops the brain. That is true. As I write, my brain develops and I start to create wonderful pieces. When I was young, I love to write stories. I remember I wrote a story about girl who was hated by many yet she was loved by the most popular guy in their school. I was grade 3 I think when I wrote that. I saw it now and I laughed. It was very funny. I guess back
then, I really loved writing and it just further developed.

I really really love to travel. I love long road trips because I just sit and relax inside the car. Also, I love to travel because I want to visit the must-see places and also I love to see soothing scenarios. Travelling relaxes me because when I travel, I get to spend some quality time with my family and friends. Also, when I travel, I discover many things. I get to know the culture of a certain place including their cuisine. Travelling helps me be aware of the things around me and also I realize how beautiful our world is.

I love to eat. When I am bored at home, I just grab a snack to kill my boredom. I don't know how it kills my boredom but I just really enjoy eating. I love to eat pizzas, pastas, soups, bread, sweets, junk foods and many more. When me and my family are travelling, we always bring snacks. Just
in case someone goes hungry or bored inside the car, at least we have something to eat. I also eat healthy foods specifically fruits. Mangoes, apples, pineapples and grapes are just some of the fruits that I like. Eating is a need for us. If we do not eat, we will catch different diseases which can harm our health.

I love to use the internet especially during those days that you feel that there is nothing for you to do come. I play online games, chat with my friends, open my social networking sites and many more. I learn a lot from the internet. It has played an important part in our lives. It has helped us with almost about everything. Internet does have some disadvantages. Of course, sometimes, we always rely on the internet making us lazy. I know that we can control ourselves from being too reliable on the internet and its services.

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