Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Future Begins Here

Colegio San Agustin-Biñan, my dearest Alma mater. I really love this school. I have started new journeys and adventures here. I have met many friends, not only student friends but teachers as well. I thank all my teachers and those who helped me get this far. A successful second year high school student here in Colegio San Agustin-Biñan.

Grade school, this is where my journey here started. I was a transferee when I was in 1st grade. Yeah, I was knew to this place. As a transferee, I get to go to tours and special seminars and the like. Also, I don't know much about what is happening around the school and my classmates were very friendly and helped me adapt to their environment. When I knew about the different awards that will be given to students at the end of every school year, I did my best to listen attentively in class to get those awards. At the end of the school year, my parents were so proud of me because even though I was a transferee, I got an award.

I can say that my grade school years were successful throughout those 6 years of studying, I have learned, discovered and achieved a lot. As I leave grade school and enter a new department, I will never forget the teachers who helped me understand the things I need to learn about.

High school Department, another journey and a brand new adventure for me. Since I am currently at the second year of four years of high school, I have not much say. Yet, I do have many new experiences that I would like to share. Some say that high school life is hard. Yes, it is true because as a high school student, you are learning to be independent. But it is fun to be in high school. When hardships come, friends come too. They are always there to help you throughout your high school life.

Blessed Veronica of Binasco, my first year section. I'm really happy that I was part of this section because last school year this section was the so-called star section. It is really hard being in this section with all the pressure and high expectations of teachers from us. Despite those stuff, we still enjoy the company of one another and became a happy family. Our adviser last year was very memorable. Yes, she maybe strict to us and punish us for the way we act and behave, we still had good times together. When the school year was about to end, she just let us have fun and enjoy our last days together because according to her, some of us might not be classmates again next year. The school year ended up with me still receiving awards. I was happy that moment yet, I was also sad because I was scared that my closest friends won't be my classmates next year.

A brand new school year starts as I enter a brand new stage. 2nd year high school, here comes more pressure! Currently belonging to Blessed Clement of Osimo. Familiar faces once again. Most were my classmates last year. Even if the school year has just started, I feel like it's already the middle of the school year because the transferees last year who are my classmates now are my friends and we became close easily. I am their current Information and Publications Commissioner. I must do my job well just like what I told them. So far, my classmates have been very supportive and helpful even though, as I said, the school year has just begun. We already have happy times together and I know there is more to come.

High school is a whole lot different from grade school. The clubs were new to us since we were just starting out in this department. I did not know what to choose so I decided to choose the club that my sister joined when she was in first year, the Biochemysics Society. Sadly, during the first club meeting, that specific club was flooding with members and I had no choice but to stick with my 2nd choice club, YES Club (Youth Earth Savers). They said that it was similar to the Biochemysics Society and it was. Those 2 clubs do activities together since they're both related to science. Even though it was my first time to be in this club, I was still elected as an officer, the level representative of the first year level. I really love this club and really had fun with the activities they implemented. Now, I am their Vice President and I must do my job well. I must learn how to balance my co-curricular activities and academics.

I am really happy that my parents found this school and enrolled me here. This school really does offer quality education. I am enjoying every day that I spend here in school. I have had so many exciting adventures here in school and also met a lot friends that are now close to my heart. I thank God for making my parents discover this school and also for guiding me throughout this adventure.

My Momentous Life at CSA...:)

COLEGIO SAN AGUSTIN BINAN, LAGUNA, this is the school where I first enrolled. I was three and a half years old then, I am a junior kinder and I still remember that my adviser was Ms. Jackie Fruto. On my first days, I was still nervous because of course I dont know anybody that sorrounds me and I was still adjusting in my new environment.

During my preschool days, I was still adjusting in my new world. Eventually, little by little I started to meet new friends and get along with them. I can say that my preschool life was an unforgettable moment in my life because here, I had new friends and I met my second parents which are my teachers.

Goodbye preschool life and welcome to my gradeschool life. I was still then, a proud Augustinian.Grade school life was fun and exciting because my relationship with my friends became deeper. We started to bond and share secrets with one another. As time goes by, I didnt notice that I was already in grade 6 and a future high school student.

In my grade 6 life, I became an active member of "Dulaang Kruhay". I really enjoyed being a member of this theater group because I again, met new friends and also I met my new ate's and kuya's in the high school department. They were really kind and helpful.

During my graduation in grade school, I received a blue eagle certificate and a medal for the "Dulaang Kruhay award". Even though I am happy because it is our graduation, I am quite sad because many of my close friends will transfer to a new school. Thus, I was still happy because I ended up grade school succesfully and welcomed warmly my second journey in high school.

Now, welcome high school life! I started my pressured and difficult life in high school
belonging to the section, "Blessed Veronica of Binasco". Woah! I can say that the competition here was so stiff but still, we built a very strong relationship with each other. We always spend time with jokes, laughter and sometimes tears. We helped each other whenever one of us doesn't understand the lesson. We really treated each other brothers and sisters and we are thankful that we had an adviser who is like a mother to us and that is Ms. Divina Castillo. Even though sometimes we had misunderstandings, it were easily solved.

I was still a member of Dulaang Kruhay. Last February, we had a play entitled "Ambon Ng Krystal" in which I am one of the casts. My role is Tricia. That was my first time to act between many people. Luckily, our play was succesful.

At present, I am still here in CSA. I've been here for almost eleven years. I am currently belonging in "Blessed Clement of Osimo". Our adviser is Ms. Cecilia Bayotas. I am also the treasurer of the class. I am sad because some of my classmates last year were transeferred to another section but at the same time happy because the ones who replaced my classmates last year were kind and helpful.

I am still an active member of "Dulaang Kruhay". I am also the assistant dance captain of the said group.

I am really enjoying my stay here at CSA. Thank God my parents enrolled me in this school and now, I will just continue studying here with my friends and loving teachers.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Enjoying Life Through Hobbies..

Each and everyone of us has a hobby. It helps us to feel relax and its also lessens our stress. It can also make our idle time busy and most importantly, it minimizes our problems.

One of my hobbies is playing with the computer. I am a avid fan of friendster, multiply and facebook. I surf the net and chat with my relatives and friends. I also communicate with my relatives who are out of the country and update them on what is currently happening here in the Philippines. Whenever I am bored, I play online games in the computer. I also draw weird things with the use of paint and I also listen to music.

Another hobby of mine is obviously eating. I really love and enjoy eating especially my favorite food, which is carbonara. Sometimes I am choosy beacuase I dont really want to eat nutritious food. I love to eat chips and chocolates which I know is bad for my health. Before, my mom is scolding
me whenever she saw me eating this kind of food. I prefer eating nutritious food now because I am already a teenager and as teenager, we are conscious in our figure.

My third favorite hobby is sleeping. I tell you, sleeping really makes me feel relax especially when I am tired from school. If possible, when I have nothing to do, I go to my room and sleep. Sometimes, I prefer sleeping rather than eating. Most importantly, I see to it that I sleep atleast eight hours at night but sometimes, I cannot make it because of so many homeworks and projects in school.

My last favorite hobby is going to the mall. I hate to admit it, but I really love to shop. I always ask my mom to buy me this and that although sometimes it is not quite important. Malling really makes me happy and feel relax. It also helps me to forget my busy and tiring week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meet My Happy Family

Family means a group of related people who share a home. A family has been an important organization in society. Most people grow up within a family and as adult, establish a family of their own.

We are four in the family composed of my dad and mom, my older brother and me. Each member of our family has an important role to play.

My dad, Juanito A. Tablizo is an architect in Filinvest Corp. Alabang, Muntinlupa City. He is the head of our family. He works hard to provide us our daily needs. He makes night into day just for the welfare of our family. He is a very disciplinarian dad. He may be a strict dad but we know that it is for our own good. I really love my dad. I am very thankful for having him as my dad.

My mom, Bernadette B. Tablizo is a comptroller in Rufino Building, Ayala avenue, Makati City. She also contributes for the daily needs of our family. Although she is a working mom, she can balance her work and her family. She is a very loving, caring and kind mother. She is always there for me whenever I have problems. I can say that she is not only a mother to me but also a best friend. I really am proud to have her as my mom.

My brother, Bernard Jeff B. Tablizo is currently a dentistry student. He is studying in Centro Escolar University, Manila. He is a very patient and loving brother. He helps me with my homeworks whenever I need help. Sometimes, we argue but it is easily solved with the help of our parents and his patience and understanding. I am very happy that he is my brother.

I am thankful to God for giving me an ideal family. I am very proud to be one of the members of our family. Surely, I will treasure and love them. I will care for them and spend my life with them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Exploring the World through Books

This book is the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia. I really like this book. I love their adventures. There two main characters in this book. Polly and Digory. They are both children who wants to explore what is beyond their houses. Digory's uncle, Uncle Andrew has never let anyone inside this "secret" room until Polly and Digory have discovered it. This book narrates the adventures Digory and Polly had gone through with the use of green and yellow rings. Every time I will read the part wherein they will enter a new world, I feel like I am also with them. The adventures in this book makes me crave for more.

I know this kinda for children but I like its story. This series of Geronimo Stilton, The Temple of Ruby of Fire is very educational. They went to Africa and explored the Amazon River. There they met the Yanomami, the one who live in the Amazon. They are searching for the Ruby for it will be stolen by a team of rodents and will exchange it with money. They went through so many adventures before they can find the Ruby. Even though this book falls under fiction, I can say that it is still educational and it also contains facts. Facts about our environment and what can we do to save it.

I love trivia books even though sometimes I can't answer them. Sometimes I just wanna challenge myself. Trivia books also involves adventures and exploration. It explores your mind of what you know. Since it is a trivia book, it is very educational. Even though it is a trivia book about for example, video games, it is still educational because it can add more information about video games that you do not know about yet.

As you can see, I love books that involves adventures. I am an adventurous person. I would love to go anywhere and these books take me anywhere. As my title says, Exploring the World through Books, I am learning more about our surroundings and also I have discovered different worlds that only books can take you there.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I Love to have Fun

Our lives can never be exciting without hobbies. Our hobbies entertain us especially when we are bored. Whatever our hobbies may be, even if they are weird hobbies, they still make our lives fun and colorful. Here are some of my hobbies that I would like to share.

I love to sing. I love to create my own songs and sing it. But so far, I have only made one song of my own. The others are for school work like create a song about this and that. I sing to express what I feel. I sing especially when I am heartbroken?!!. I listen to songs and I sing them. Music soothes the soul. I sing by myself and with my friends. The more the merrier right? According to some, I have a good voice. Well, maybe, I don't know. I am so afraid to sing in front of many people. In front of my friends, I am not that afraid because I feel comfortable around them. Every time my family asks me to sing in front of a crowd, I decline. I guess I am shy or maybe I have stage fright even though I am not on a stage. Well, I hope someday, I can overcome my fear and hopefully have the confidence to sing.

I also love to write. I love to write poems, essays and write what I feel. Writing is another way for me to express myself. When I am bored at school, I write stuff on a piece of paper. As my teacher said, the brain develops the work of the hand and the work of the hand develops the brain. That is true. As I write, my brain develops and I start to create wonderful pieces. When I was young, I love to write stories. I remember I wrote a story about girl who was hated by many yet she was loved by the most popular guy in their school. I was grade 3 I think when I wrote that. I saw it now and I laughed. It was very funny. I guess back
then, I really loved writing and it just further developed.

I really really love to travel. I love long road trips because I just sit and relax inside the car. Also, I love to travel because I want to visit the must-see places and also I love to see soothing scenarios. Travelling relaxes me because when I travel, I get to spend some quality time with my family and friends. Also, when I travel, I discover many things. I get to know the culture of a certain place including their cuisine. Travelling helps me be aware of the things around me and also I realize how beautiful our world is.

I love to eat. When I am bored at home, I just grab a snack to kill my boredom. I don't know how it kills my boredom but I just really enjoy eating. I love to eat pizzas, pastas, soups, bread, sweets, junk foods and many more. When me and my family are travelling, we always bring snacks. Just
in case someone goes hungry or bored inside the car, at least we have something to eat. I also eat healthy foods specifically fruits. Mangoes, apples, pineapples and grapes are just some of the fruits that I like. Eating is a need for us. If we do not eat, we will catch different diseases which can harm our health.

I love to use the internet especially during those days that you feel that there is nothing for you to do come. I play online games, chat with my friends, open my social networking sites and many more. I learn a lot from the internet. It has played an important part in our lives. It has helped us with almost about everything. Internet does have some disadvantages. Of course, sometimes, we always rely on the internet making us lazy. I know that we can control ourselves from being too reliable on the internet and its services.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

For you and only you :]

Bea look oh.. They are looking at us..:)..hahaha.
*Can you see it?haha..sorry if its not that clear.

Happy Bestfriends Day to my ever-loving best friend, BEA JANINE BERNALES TABLIZO! I love you so much. I thank you for always being here by my side whenever I need you. We may have ups and downs but it is also a way to strengthen our fruitful friendship. I also thank God for giving me someone like you. I want to apologize for all my wrong doings. I wish "us" the best and of course, hopefully our friendship will grow more colorful and of course, I wish to have more adventures with you. Because today is a very special day for us, I hope you will appreciate my simple yet meaningful gift. I worked so hard for it. I know that they are only simply pictures of us yet, if you really look inside these pictures, you will see how meaningful they are. Meaningful because frist of all, they are one of the memories that will be within us forever and it symbolizes how strong we are now and how lucky we are to have each other and have someone to lean on day by day. I really wish and hope that you like it.

Photobucket <--My very SEXY bestfriend!

Monday, July 13, 2009

They are My Life

I love my family. I spend most of my time with them. Even though, when I wake up in the morning everyday, it's always them I see, I never get tired of that. I am used to seeing them first thing in the morning. They support, love, and care for me through thick and thin. They always forgive me every time I have sinned against them. I am very lucky to have a family. At least, when there is no one and no where to run to, your family is always there. Also, I am lucky for being given a family like them. We are not always but most of the time happy. My mother loves to joke around and thus making our family moments full of laughter. I thank God for always keeping me and my family safe also for being blessed with such a family. I can never live without them.

My father, Daniel Digo Cruzada, is a very hardworking man and an ever-caring father. He is a civil engineer working at MDC ( Makati Development Corporation). He is a good father to us three. He may be strict at times but we have fun spending time with him. He seldom spends time with us because he is busy with work. We understand because we know that he is doing it for us. When it is his free time, we make the most out of it because he is busy and also this is when he makes it up to us when he is not present during special occasions.

My mother, former Vilma Serra y Ortega, now, Vilma Ortega Cruzada, is a very responsible and ever-loving mother. I idolize her because she can balance her work with her family. She is an accountant working at LOMAR (Logistics Marketing Inc.)Whenever she comes home after work, she helps my youngest sister with her homework. She really is willing to sacrifice for the family.

My eldest sister, Camille Joyce, is a very supportive sister. She is the one who I run to whenever I have problems not unless of course, we have an argument. She always supports me with whatever decision I make regarding any matter. She just graduated from high school last year with flying colors. She is currently a Freshman at UPM ( University of the Philippines, Manila). Since she is just starting out, she is still living with us.

My youngest sister, Carla Jeannine, is very funny. She makes me laugh whenever I am feeling down. She turns my frowns to smiles. We often have misunderstandings. I just try to understand her because she is still young and has a lot more to learn. She is currently a grade 3 student studying in my school too. Now that my eldest sister is not at our school anymore, she is now my responsibility. I will take care of her since my parents are also not with us at school.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

All About My Life....

On the 22nd of December 1995, year of our Lord, I was born through a caesarian section weighing 8.14 pounds. According to my mom, Bernadette B. Tablizo, a comptroller, I was a healthy bouncing baby. My father, Juanito A. Tablizo, an architect was very proud of me. He also said that in the early years of my life, I showed signs of cleverness, intelligence and assertivenes. My one and only brother, Bernard Jeff B. Tablizo, a future dentist was very happy when I was added to the family. I thank God for giving me a happy family.

I am currently a second year student in Colegio San Agustin Binan. I belong to the section, Blessed Clement of Osimo. I am also a present member of theater arts called "Dulaang Kruhay". Even though I am very active in this club, I see to it that I can balance my studies because this is the only way to thank my parents for all the hardworks they are doing for me and my brother.

I believe in my self. It is due to the support of my family and friends. I never complained because it is a cause of unhappiness. I have a strength of spirit and heart. I know it is essential for me to succeed in the future will the help of God Almighty. I know He will never fail to guide me in all my endeavors. And now, for as long as I live, I will try to be a good daughter to my parents and to be a good Christian and preacher to our Lord,God as well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Me and My Life

During the 25th day of January on the year of 1996, four years after my mom gave birth to my older sister, they were blessed with once again a baby girl. When my parents were about to give a name, there were two choices, Charisse Julia and Catherine Mae. My mom asked my dad to choose one. I was born with the name Charisse Julia, the name my dad has chosen. I am the second of three children. Another member was added to the Cruzada Family.

I am currently a 2nd Year high school student in Colegio San Agustin-Biñan and I belong to the section, Bl. Clement of Osimo. I live with two sisters, Camille Joyce and Carla Jeannine together with my parents Vilma and Daniel Cruzada. We live here in San Pedro, Laguna. We are a very happy family of 5. My mom is an accountant while my dad is an engineer. Even though they are busy, they always have time for us. They never forget to have some quality time with their children.

When I was young, I was lazy. My mom always scolds me whenever she helps me do my homework. Suddenly, I started to develop into responsible and industrious lady. They have always believed that I will become responsible someday. Being part of he so called "Star Section" here in CSA Biñan was a proof that I was becoming a responsible student. I was happy because I never expected this to happen. Of course, without my ever supportive friends, ever loving family and our Mighty God, I would be part of that section. I thank them for always being beside me no matter what.

I have been staying in this world for about thirteen years and I can say that so far, those thirteen years are so unforgettable. My life is very colorful and wonderful thanks to my friends, my family and of course, God. I thank Him for giving me my life and giving me a chance everyday to live my life and add more special moments to be remembered. As long as I am alive, I will live my life to the fullest. Hang out with my friends, bond with my family and always praying to God.