Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A special friend of mine :D


Advanced Happy Birthday ! :)
Bea: ay sigo po, okay lang. Ingat ka, Danielle. God Bless :D
Those are the words that I uttered when we had just met. Ay bait ko pa nun nuh. That was just last year. But, honestly speaking, It feels like I have known you already for more than a year, 5 years or more perhaps. I don't know why I feel this but it is maybe because of the closeness you let me feel. Whenever we talk in ym, I feel the closeness between us. That I know you so much, your life, likes and dislikes, ALL.

Dane, I would like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for all you have done to me. Thank you, firstly, for letting me walk inside your world. Thank you for inserting me in your circle of friends, thank you for the TRUST, LOVE and FRIENDSHIP that until now, you are giving me. Thank you for always understanding me even at times I seem to have no time for you because of too much work. I know you understand me. :)

Also, sorry :) Sorry for the times that you don't feel like my friend. Sorry for the times I can't reply to your texts or pms because of I'm so bounded with school works. Sorry if sometimes, my advices to you are not that good.

I know you for already one year. This year was one of my unforgettable years in my entire life for I have met two of the important buddys in my life, it's you and Dianne. :) I just hope that this will last forever.

Time will come, we will be apart since I will be soon a graduating student. I am hopeful that even if I am already a graduate of CSA, you will still remember me. :D

These are just some of the things I wanted to say to you. Others will be put into hold and you will know them, SOON. :)

Just remember this, I LOVE YOU and you will forever be a friend of mine :)